
BR: 2-15 Bugs

BugsWhatever you look... you can find lots and lots of creeping, crawling animals called bugs. (p,3)

 I chose this book because i was interested in Bugs. I have not good at Bugs when I was an elementary school student. Years ago, I liked bugs and insects. I had many grasshoppers and ants and so on. But I was been not good at it. I hate grasshoppers, mos, snails and so on. I hate bugs now. In that, grasshopper the most. I feel very chills when I saw grasshoppers. In this book, many bugs are written in details and big. In this book, the bugs hair is also written in details, so I was surprised and chills. I do not want to see that twice. If you like and interested in bugs, you should to see this book.

121 words

Courtauld, Salah. (2007). Bugs: Usborne Publishing Ltd.

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