
host family letter

Hello, my name is Yurika. I am nineteen years old. I am a KGU student.

First, I introduce my family. My family is my father, my mother, an older brother, and a younger brother. My father is forty-nine years old, and my mother is forty-five years old. And my older brother is a college student, and younger brother is an elementary student.

Do you have pets? I have two dogs. One is a black and white, “border collie”, and the other is brown and white, ”papillon”. There are so pretty and cute!! If you have pets, I want so much to see them.

I belong to a society for the study of cultural properties and the taekwondo club. What do you belong to?

I like red the best of all colors, and I like black next. What color do you like best? I want to know that.

Do you like sports? Do you play any sports? I have played taekwondo for about four years, so I began it when I was a first-year student in high school. I like taekwondo very much, but I also like other sports. I like to play sports, and I like to watch sports games. Which do you like?

Do you like music? I like music very much. I like both listening to music and singing. So, I belonged to the chorus club from elementary school to high school. My favorite Japanese-pop singer, and singer group is Miriyah Kato and Exile. Both of them are very cool! And my favorite American-pop singer is Demi Lovato. Do you know her? She is so pretty and cool! I respect her very much. Her voice is nice. If you have never heard their songs, Please try to listen to them.

What does your father and mother do? And if your family has a grandfather and grandmother, please teach me what they do too. I want to know those things and so on very much. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

[338 words/338 words]

3 件のコメント:

  1. It's amazing that you joined taekwondo and chorus, both of 2 clubs at the same time.

  2. I like both listening to music and singing too★★

  3. Yurika,

    Would you please label this, and ALL of your other essays, with the label "essays" (the plural form). Then add either "drafts" or "revisions" (also plural forms) to each of them, AND all of the other labels listed in each assignment on the Writing Studio Calendar. When you've done that, please reply to this comment to let me know you've finished. Cheers, PB
