
About Minnesota 8

 I will write about Canoe. We did canoe and enjoyed it but it was so long time and we did not know how long will be row the canoe, so we felt boring after. I will introduce about canoe. Canoes come in many different shapes and sizes, and they've been made of all kinds of materials, from paper to concrete. No matter how much they differ, though, they all share certain bits and pieces. We're going to look at some of them here.
 I will introduce the common canoe. The two seats are not the same. One is wider than the other and its set further back from its end. Most canoes are symmetrical: the front end of the canoe is the same shape as the back end. But paddlers aren't symmetrical. Our front ends don't look much like our back ends. And the two paddlers in a tandem canoe have to face the same way. When two paddlers are seated in a tandem canoe, therefore, they both face the front end of the boat, or the bow, and the bow paddler has to squeeze his legs into a narrow, tapered space. So his seat has to be pushed back. The paddler in the rear of the boat-that's the stern- has a much easier time of it. She's got all the room in the world for her legs. So her seat can be closer to her end of the boat. We rode a boat that can seat about 3 people. It was so thin, so I felt very uneasiness and I felt we might be fell in the river. But we did not fell in the river.

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